A color wheel, also known as a color circle, is a sampling of colors arranged in a progressive blending of primary colors plus black or white. It is possible to make your own color wheel. They are also available in various retail stores where paints, finishes, etc. are sold. Samples can be picked at these stores, but I would highly recommend studying the paint and samples in your space with your lighting. I prefer the detailed color wheel because it has more options. If you chose to create your own, you should start by placing the primary hues in an equalateral triangle. Follow that by adding the secondary and tertiary colors appropriately. There are places online that will guide you with their samples.


Primary Colors: They are basic unmixed Colors. They are Red, Yellow and Blue.
Secondary Colors: Colors formed by mixing two primary colors.
Tertiary Colors: Colors formed when one mixes a primary color with one or more secondary colors.

Complementary Colors: Those are the colors just opposite each other on a color wheel. These are great building blocks for color schemes.
Analogous Colors: Those are the colors located close to each other on a color wheel. Examples of this would be light blue, green and turquoise.